Friday, October 19, 2007

Conversations with Kaida (Part 2)

So, I'm talking to Kaida two nights ago, telling her about how all babies are ugly (see part 1), and she's mad at me.

I mention this because a few minutes later she suddenly sounds all flirtatious and bubbly. This is strange since she has been mad at me for some time. (Because of the baby thing.)

Anyway, something wasn't adding up. I asked her what she was trying to hide, and Kaida's all like "nothing. nothing at all."

Well, I knew that was a lie, but what? I asked her what she was doing, and she said killing a spider. That didn't help me much, so I kept guessing. Something had just happened. A handsome guy on TV? A handsome man JUST WALKING IN HER HOME??????

What could it be?

Finally, after I pressed her and pressed her, she admitted that she didn't want the spider to get suspicious as she snuck up on it to kill it, so she'd made her voice light and airy. You know, like how you'd talk to a dog if you're going to give him a bath or take him to the vet or give him to your hair stylist or something.

Of course as soon as I put the pieces together I laughed for twenty minutes (and probably ruptured something). I'm not even sure spiders have ears (science nerds: wanna help out on this?), but I'm almost positive that they don't listen to our tone of voice.

But hey, what do I know? If there's every a spider in the future I'm just going to go find Kaida.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was a BIG EARED spider. :)