Monday, June 19, 2006

weekend notes

What a weekend. I watched the premiere of Treasure Hunters last night. It's good enough that I will watch again tonight. I have much more to say, but I may have just thought of something profound, so I'll let it go until I have my thoughts collected.


I was talking to my oldest sister about my April selection in the Family Movie Project, GRIZZLY MAN. She totally liked it, but told me the reason she had delayed watching it for so long was confusing expectations.

"I thought it was this guy living with bears for 13 years. I pictured them sitting around the campfire singing 'Kum-Bear-Yah' or something. It had such a Far Side feel."

Kum-Bear-Yah may become my favorite bear song of all time, and if you know me (and my penchant for making people sing "The Other Day I Met a Bear" with me, you'll know how big that is.)


Freecell Follies: 1817 - 672. 69-7 over the weekend, for a grand total of 73.001% !!!

I probably should quit now, but I can just feel 75% in my future.

1 comment:

Dragon said...

Nice shootin', Hype