Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Denny's rocks

I got to go to Denny's! I got to go to Denny's! I got to go to Denny's!

You can't imagine how big a deal this is. Since my license expired at the end of December, you can count the number of times I have left town on one hand. And it's not a big town. Other than going to Ottawa in April, I don't think I'd been more than one mile from this house since February. Literally february.

So going to Denny's was a HUGGGGGGGGGGGGE deal for me. I got so much written that to give you the full scope would make you so jealous that you would be forced to eat a frisbee.

I'm sure I'm going to pay for it in back pain, and I'm wondering if that headache isn't going to come back. But you know what? It matters not. I got so much done that I have new material for a week; week and a half if I stretch it.

Oh, happy day!

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