Thursday, November 22, 2007

Suriving Thanksgiving Part 1

I feel like I have a great freedom to write about my feelings on Thanksgiving, and the people I'm going to spend the time with. I guess I should go put that on my Thankyou list over on International Day. You see, the odds are virtually nil that any of them will read this. My sister does sometimes read my site, but if I don't have a link on the home page she will never think to come here. It's like hiding in plain site!

Speaking of International Day, I really called out my audience Monday and Wednesday about leaving comments of things they were thankful for. I'm kind of disgusted with myself. What am I trying to prove? On the other hand, I'm more disgusted with the audience. Even if--like a girl--I asked them all to say something they were thankful for about me, that wouldn't be too much to ask. But all I asked for was that they recorded SOMETHING they were thankful for. So far, as of Thursday morning, two comments, the two people closest to me. I don't know that says more about me or the audience. And what I will have to do about it if nothing changes by Monday.

I'm depressed now. I think I will go write about my Fantasy Football Team. In Light's name why am I not trying to catch a couple hours of sleep? It's 10:53 in the morning, and the guests arrive at 12:00. Oh well. I suck.

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