Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Yesterday was tough. On the one hand, I had the best hit-count day ever. I mean, ever. I had over 2300 just on my home page, and almost 2600 on the Institute at large. To put that in perspective, the home page has never had more than 400 in any one day, and the Institute all together never more than 800, and that was in the Brittany Bratt hey-day. S0, we're talking huge.

But I couldn't enjoy it. For reasons that come down to how much I suck, or how much everyone else sucks (or both), I aliented everyone close to me. I had no one to share my (in only temporary) good fortune. I feel like the proverbial story of the guy watching his mother-in-law drive off a cliff in his new Cadillac. If good news happens in the forest and there's no one there to hear it, can you still celebrate?

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