Monday, October 27, 2008


Let me tell you about frustration.

My mom bought these candy bars at Sam's Club, with the idea that anyone who wants one has to put $0.50 into a little tupperware container (in the freezer, where we're keeping the candy bars), and that way, when all the candy bars are gone we'll have money to buy a self-sustaining treat. Sort of how an employees' soda machine might work. I mean, obviously we can't be buying candy bars with our grocery money, but doing it that one time means that we can buy (something) every time we finish the previous item, because it will have paid for the next thing.

Does that make sense?

Anyway, here's the frustrating part. With being crippled, I really can't go anywhere. Bathroom trips are murder. I go as rarely as possible. I have basically stopped drinking, and constipation is my friend. (More on that another time.)

Meanwhile, the kitchen is the opposite direction from the bathroom. Well, at some point you simply MUST go pee, but I have found that no matter how hungry you are, enough pain will trump it every time. It's almost never worth the additional hour of agony it costs to stumble out to the kitchen and find food.

But here's where the candy bars come in:

For reasons I have yet to understand, our "big" freezer is located right outside my door in the hallway. This means that I pass it every time I go to the bathroom. As long as I'm passing by, it's not that much trouble to open the door and snag a candy bar, right? A nice little treat to make the days less agonizing?

Except, where on Earth am I going to come up with $0.50?

And now you see the frustration.

1 comment:

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

You could pimp out your writing skills to your siblings...