Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lady Jane Scarlett Teaches Hyperion a New Word

I'm not saying I have the world's biggest vocabulary, but it is voluminous. Therefore, it is always a small surprise (and a large treat) when I learn a new word, and from one of my Reader comments, no less! (Although: most of my reader comments are pretty top-notch.)

Anyway, the word is:


The definition: extremely hungry; ardently or excessively desirous; gluttonous or greedy.

What a great word! I can't wait to use it in a conversation. (And if you know me, you know this will come up. I am rapacious when it comes to all my desires, be they physical, sensual, intellectual or what have you.)

Now I know a new word!

And so do you.

1 comment:

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

It's one of my favorite words...
Glad you like it!