Wednesday, November 05, 2008


So, I voted. It was a fucking nightmare, not because of anyone, just the way the day unfolded.

I am going to wait until I have healed a little before writing about it, but suffice it to say, I have easily set myself back two weeks.

In other news, it is 6:10 am e.s.t., and I still don't know who the president-elect is. For several reasons,** I wanted nothing to do with the coverage last night, and elected for complete avoidance. I I ended up having a movie night with my sister. Initially we watched the Simpsons Halloween Special, and then we were supposed to see JFK, but I talked her into FIGHT CLUB.

By avoiding most TV and all pernicious internet I can leave it alone for awhile longer.

I was going to write a big post-mortem on the election and various other political things, but frankly, I want to see how long I can go without knowing.

** Just in case you were wondering: I'm skipping coverage because I cannot stand cable news, particularly in something like this. I would rather have elected Maxine Waters than suffer any of the Talking Heads last night.

More importantly (at least to me), it saddens me that I am not in charge. Call me crazy, but I seriously doubt I got more than a few votes, and in ways I will never be able to describe to you, I weep for the world whenever power changes hands and mine is not one of them.

Oh the fuck well. Boo hoo for me, right?

At least I can get a few more hours of peace. With luck I can avoid knowledge at least one more day.

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