Saturday, November 08, 2008

Injury/Election/Craving Update #&*

It's 7:59 am, EST, Monday Morning, and I still don't know who the next president will be. This may be the greatest thing I have ever done.

As far as injuries go, I am now seriously considering at what point a wheel chair will become my best option. It's a little ways away, but I can see it from there.

As for my 30 Days without "C," I gave up after 9 days. What can I do? Sometimes the heart wants what is wants.

1 comment:

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

Since you know that only the Blogger goddess read your blog, then why not share with her what the letter C stands for?

I can make a guess and you can tell me if I'm close. Please?
1. Chocolate
2. Coffee
3. Cable TV
4. Cursing lesser minds
5. Crumbly cakes
6. Clothes that aren't flattering
7. Cartels that aren't giving you your fair share
8. Chickpeas
9. Chortling, chuckling, and cavorting
10. Conspiring against pirates