Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Starting Monday I am going to be gone for a little while. I definitely need a break from this place, although my absence will (sadly) not be a vacation. I have fallen behind on some of my other writing projects, and I also need to spend some time on the design for the Hyperion Institute store. In fact, I'll probably work more than I do now.

The point is: I won't be here. Not to worry: in my absence I havr recruited the finest writers in the land to do guest posts. I am setting them all up Sunday night to auto-post, so you will be well entertained and satisfied. (But no happy endings.)

However, while I am gone I cannot actually change the motto every day like I do now. I need a permanent motto, and I thought I would let you vote. I have five mottos below. (I originally had 16, but Kaida told me that you people are like toddlers: too much information and you will get overstimulated). All you have to do is pick the one you like best, and then copy and paste it in the Comments.

Note: you CAN leave a write-in Comment, but you then have to hope everyone who Comments after you likes it and votes that way too, since the motto will be choses Democratically. (Which means I can be bought.)

Mottos I considering:

Where Dreams go to Die

The Best Mendacity in all the World

Home for Perverts and Thugs....we call them Thugverts


Where Orphans are Strangled just to see You Smile

That's it! You may only vote once, unless you bribe me; then you can vote multiple times.

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