Tuesday, March 13, 2007

One way to pick an NCAA team

The following is true.

So 'Chelle called yesterday to ask about the rules for my NCAA Pool. As I was explaining, somehow the story of "Sparrow" came up.

Sparrow entered my pool in 2004, and she picked some hella-weird teams, even for someone who knew nothing about basketball, as did she.

When I asked Sparrow about it, she explained to me that her picks were based on the Universities' proximity to TV towns that she had/did enjoy. So, for example, there was St. Joseph's, which Sparrow picked because of its close proximity to Beaver Falls, PA, home of Mr. Belvedere.

(Right now some of you are rolling your eyes, while others, let's call you "women," are nodding and going, "That's a great way to pick teams!")

Anyway, 'Chelle laughed but said she couldn't use that method because she never remembered where shows took place. I told her she DID remember, but didn't remember that she remembered.

I started her off easy. "Did you ever watch CSI? Where did that take place?" She groaned. "What about CSI Miami?"

I moved on to another easy one: "What about the Simpsons?"

"I don't watch the Simpsons."

I don't expect to talk to here again.

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